Crystal Meth Rehabilitation: The War on Drugs: Prison After Rehab
Crystal Meth Rehabilitation in the News
Crystal Meth Rehabilitation: The War on Drugs: Prison after Rehab
Brenden Turpin was released from the Purgatory Correctional Facility last March after a six-month sentence for possession of crystal meth, participated in a state-sponsored treatment program, got married and now has a five-year-old daughter with …
Read more on Dixie Press Online
Crystal Meth Rehabilitation: Reality League Scorecard: Climb Every Mountain
(10 requesting-to-be-assaulted points plus 5 verbal-fighting points) while spitting and throwing his hands up and down like Donkey Kong on crystal meth. Ronnie interpreted this as a threat to his position as the silverback gorilla in the house. …
Read more on Grantland (blog)
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