Story of Crystal Meth: Is Ted Nugent a Chickenhawk Republican?

Question by trer: Is Ted Nugent a chickenhawk republican?
Nugent seems to have deferred the draft in a more conventional manner. Now he wants to run for Governor of Michigan and has gone on record calling Barack Obama a piece of **** and Hiliary Clinton a ***** for being against the War in Iraq. He loves guns and says that we should bomb Iraq.

“Unbelievable. Meth,” he replies, in a tone of deep sarcasm. “Yes, that’s my drug of choice. You’ve got to realise that these interviewers would arrive with glazed eyes and I would make stories up. I never did crystal meth. And I never pooped my pants.”
“But you did dodge the draft.”
“I had a 1Y [student deferment]. I enrolled at Oakland Community College.”

Best answer:

Answer by speckofdust7billion
I think he has permanent brain damage from the cat scratch fever.

What do you think? Answer below!

Story Of Crystal Meth: Late-night jokes: Herman Cain’s campaign pizza promise
A high UPS honor and a new ‘Titanic’ movie.
Read more on Los Angeles Times

Story Of Crystal Meth: “Serenity” – Drug Addiction with no Boundaries (Part 1)

A short documentary that dives into suburban drug addiction. Drug addiction rates in the suburbs are at a steady increase. People don’t acknowledge drug addiction in the suburbs. With the help of a recovering drug addict from the suburbs and his friend, the story of Serenity is told… Produced, Directed and Edited it by Mike Manusama

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