Crystal Meth Facts: For Anyone That Actually Believes ADD Is Real.?

Question by : For anyone that actually believes ADD is real.?
How can you sit there, and give kids amphetamines, or similar stimulants?

Would you give a kid a dose methamphetamine so he could focus better? No. Then why are you ok with giving a kid a small dose of amphetamine or dextroamphetamine? (AKA, Adderall and/or Dexedrine)

The only difference between methamphetamine and amphetamine, is that methamphetamine has a extra methyl group attached, which does nothing but make it metabolize slightly faster. Adderall IS speed, and Im guessing all these dumbass parents giving there kids these highly neurotoxic addictive drugs, don’t even realize what there putting in there kids bodies.

Ive used pretty clean meth, and lots of Adderall. Guess what? I like Adderall more. Adderall gave me MORE euphoria then crystal meth. Its smoother, cheaper, and and feels better. So when people say you can’t compare meth to Rx speed, it really makes me angry. Its so easy to get your kid “diagnosed” with ADD, that parents all around are getting idiotic doctors to “diagnose” there kids with it, so there parents can either use or sell the kids Rx speed they got prescribed.

This especially gets me angry, because when taken long enough, these drugs cause permanent brain damage and damages to the health, even when taking exactly as prescribed. And most of the time the kids don’t have any say in this. They are naive, they don’t know what amphetamines are, or the dangers of them, and yet people trick them into ingesting them. Sick f*cks. Parents who give kids amphetamines, even as prescribed, are just as bad as pedophiles to me.

I honestly don’t believe ADD/ADHD exist. Theres not a single credible source to rationally prove that a inattentive personality, and not wanting to focus on things that are uninteresting to a individual, is in fact in and of itself a neurological disease.

Ive seen it time and time again. Some kid gets bad grades, hes inattentive, doesn’t pay attention in class because its uninteresting to him, hyperactivity, etc. All NATURAL AND NORMAL personality traits, emotions, and behaviors displayed by children.

And yet some dumbass comes along, and claims that its a neurological disease. The kid, doesn’t even get a MRI, he doesn’t get a spinal tap, he doesn’t get a blood test. Some quack just looks at his perfectly natural personality traits, emotions, and behaviors, and claims its a neurological disease. Without ANY evidence or proof.

It wouldn’t even matter if he did get a MRI, spinal tap, or blood test, because theres no such thing as a physical test for “chemical imbalances”, or “ADD”. Theres no pinpointed cause, because its a fabricated and imaginary illness. That isn’t a illness, rather then a combination of normal personality traits, emotions, and behaviors that have been reclassified by quacks into a neurological disease.

If you think ADD/ADHD is real, especially if you think kids should receive neurotoxic, addictive drugs like amphetamines, or methylphenidate for it. Then you’re a moron, and I think you shouldn’t even be allowed to have a kid. Because you’ve already demonstrated how extremely easily you can be indoctrinated into believing bullshit, and how little intellect you have.
Wow Polly, you figured out that this isn’t in the format of a question?

Are you a detective or something?

Best answer:

Answer by polly
This isn’t a question.

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