Meth Treatment: I Think I Have ADHD. What Will My Insurance Cover? What Should I Expect to Pay for the Initial Visit?

Question by rezrez12: I think I have ADHD. What will my insurance cover? What should I expect to pay for the initial visit?
My insurance covers Mental Health Visits and Pays $ 25 up to 25 times per year. I read somewhere that ADHD does not fall under mental health and is a mental illness. How does that get billed to the insurance company? I just don’t want to get a huge unexpected bill? I have Blue cross and live in CA.

I meant medical illness, not mental illness. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Irish Girl
You are correct about paying for adults with ADHD. We just went through this with me husband be treated for adult ADHD.
The psychiatrist gave it another diagnoses like anxiety disorder and the insurance has been pay for it every since. The psychiatrist told us up front at the visit that he was going to do this because Adult ADHD is not usually covered.

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Meth Treatment: 1976 Narconon UK Drug Rehab Graduate — Special Interview

Susanne Lawrence completed the Narconon drug rehab program back in 1976. She is one of the first to finish the full program in the UK. She never looked back and has been sober ever since. She used to be an international swimmer, fairly fit but then started smoking marijuana and then went on to snort cocaine (sulfate). Five years later, she felt like she was dying and one day found the Narconon program. If you need help with drug addiction, we can help

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