Falling With Style – Sydney Morning Herald

Crystal Meth Rehab: Falling with style – Sydney Morning Herald

Sydney Morning Herald

Falling with style
Sydney Morning Herald
Since rehab and Narcotics Anonymous meetings, his cravings for crystal meth have petered out. He has been back on the antidepressant Effexor for more than a year and has come to terms with the idea he may have to manage depression for the rest of his

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Crystal Meth Rehab – Google News

Crystal Meth Rehab: Green Day: older, no wiser – Brisbane Times

Brisbane Times

Green Day: older, no wiser
Brisbane Times
The frontman and chief songwriter for American stadium rock punks Green Day and current rehab participant, Billie Joe Armstrong, may have his problems, but writer's block isn't one of them. ¡Dos! is the second The passing of time is a lurking theme
Green Day's iDOS!: An Album ReviewHuffington Post (blog)

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Crystal Meth Rehab – Google News

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