Meth Treatment: Wake Up Call? Crystal Meth Addiction?

Question by Tom: Wake up call? Crystal Meth Addiction?
I’m 17 years old, fatherless, pretty much raised myself and everything I’ve done in life I did it myself because I had no one to turn to.

I’be been abusing drugs since I was 12. I smoke weed everyday, I used to take acid every weekend, I used to take a lot of pills, drink alot of cough medicine, prescriptions, anything I could get my hands on.. and just recently I was offered meth for the first time (where I actually considered it) It was offered many times before, but I just never went near it.

I’ve been smoking crystal meth for the past 5 days straight. I’ve smoked atleast a gram to myself over this 5 day period, I feel like shit, its coming down and I never want to go near it again because I can not stand what I feel like after. But I have a feeling I’ll want to do it again when I’m not coming down, but I’m not going near it.

So to make a long story short.
1. Am I going to have any permanent effects of that 5 day binge when I tried meth for the first time?
2. Will I feel the need to do more when I return to normal? Thanks..

Best answer:

Answer by Gahoole
That’s pretty intense. I’m sorry you’re going through this, man. *hugs through the internet*

You’ll probably want to do more when you’re back to normal but DON’T DO IT! If you quit now it will save you so much trouble, time and money!! I don’t know if there will be permanent effects, but you will crave it a lot and be very depressed and irritable for a short while. I cannot stress how much trouble it will save you if you can overcome the cravings.


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