Cocaine Addiction and Methamphetamine Addiction: A Comparative Study

The two drugs, Cocaine, and Meth-amphetamine, both fall under the psycho-stimulant category. Both these drugs lead to dependence and abuse and cause similar addict behavior. As a result they are often mistaken for one another; however, they are two very different drugs. Cocaine and methamphetamine are separated by several distinct differences.

Methamphetamine is purely a man made drug while cocaine is harvested and purified from the coca plant. Both these drugs can be injected, smoked, or sniffed. However, Methamphetamine can also be taken as a pill; unlike Cocaine. Cocaine has medical uses as an anesthetic, while Methamphetamine has no medical uses of any kind.

The high or rush caused by methamphetamine lasts for about 8-24 hours, while 50% of the drug is flushed from the body within the first 12 hours. 50% of cocaine is generally removed from one’s body in just one hour and the high lasts no longer than one 30 minutes. Due to the way these drugs are metabolized, there is a big difference in the steps taken for meth treatment and cocaine treatment. Unfortunately, most drug addiction treatment centers fail to provide successful cocaine and meth addiction treatment.

Among the psychological effects of these two drugs, methamphetamine users show an increased propensity for violence than cocaine users. Both these drugs will cause irritability, increased heart rate, anxiety, increased body temperature, and elevated blood pressure. Other side effects are associated with sleeplessness and decreased appetite.

Prolonged methamphetamine abusers will suffer from toxic shock causing damage to brain’s neurons. This type of destruction will not be caused by cocaine abuse. However, extreme usage of either drug causes dependency and sometimes stroke. Depending on the addiction, finding a successful cocaine treatment or meth treatment will be the most important next step.

The geographic location of the user will often define the probability of cocaine addiction or methamphetamine addiction. This is primarily because cocaine is not easily accessible in rural areas, whereas methamphetamine is easily made or prepared in any garage, or basement. The components used No matter whether the addict is in need of heroin treatment, alcohol treatment, oxycontin treatment, cocaine treatment, or meth treatment, immediate action is required. These matters of addiction should be approached with absolute care and all treatment options should be closely evaluated in terms of the success in treating addictions.

Beau Mason is the Program Director of Hacienda La Mision, which is a Mexico based Ibogaine medical center; specializing in addiction treatment of all types. Hacienda La Mision is the world’s leader in Ibogaine treatment and patient care. For more information please visit &

Meth Treatment: Center’s Work with Youth Using Meth is Featured on Life & Ti

Center’s Work with Youth Using Meth is Featured on Life & Times – KCET TV’s award-winning Life & Times newsmagazine recently profiled the Center’s work with homeless GLBT youth who are using meth.
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