Can I Please Get Some Advice? Drug Addicted Brother…?

Question by ? Pa?ty Poison.: Can I please get some advice? Drug addicted brother…?
I’m gonna try to make a long story as short as possible.

Okay. So when I was a kid, my brother and I were the best of friends.
We were always super close, and told each other everything.
He is 4 years older than me.

When I was 11 and he was 15, he started using drugs.
He got into cocaine, alcohol, and eventually became a crystal meth addict.
He turned from my best friend into a monster.
He was loud, violent, and abusive.
He began stealing from me and my parents.
He stole our flat screen tv (he still denies it)
He broke dozens of my CD’s and DVD’s
He kicked doors in my house down, broke furniture, stole money from my parents, you name it.

My parents finally kicked him out a couple years ago, but then he would come to my house at like 3am and start banging on the door demanding money.
There were occasions when I had to jump out my 2 story window and call the police because he was threatening my parents.
I developed severe PTSD from these situations. They still haunt me.
He has come to my house with a baseball bat before, and threatened my dad.
Basically he’s a monster.
The good kid he was before is obviously dead now, that’s what meth does to you.
But it’s like my Mom has always had hope for him, which is understandable.
He’s been in jail 9 times, and he’s been in 5 treatment centers, all in which he has left.
He doesn’t want help, and my Mom doesn’t understand that.
He just using my parents for money.
He doesn’t care about them at all.
He’s 22 now. He’s never had a job, never gotten his license, and he never made it past 9th grade.
He is way too far gone.
Just recently he was in a really nice treatment facility, and he just walked out.
He gets all these opportunities that other drug addicts may want, but can’t afford.
And he doesn’t even take advantage.
He scares me a lot.
He knows a lot of dangerous people, and some of them even know where I live.

I have moved in with my Grandparents on severeal occasions because I simply could no longer put up with the disturbance he causes my family and I.
And it’s all cause of my Mom. My Dad doesn’t even want him around, but she think’s he’s a “changed person”
Which is a loud of BS.
I know damn well that he’s probably off shooting up right now. And I don’t wanna be here for it,

My parents basically just told me that they were choosing him over me this time.
So I told them I was leaving.
I packed all my stuff, and I plan on going to my Grandma’s later today.
I just hate the fact that I have to suffer because this animal is back in my life.
I shouldn’t have to leave my own house to escape him.
It’s not fair.
My Mom isn’t even home 3 days out of the week, which means my Dad and I would have to put up with him alone.
I just can’t do it anymore.
I feel bad for leaving my Dad behind, but it’s for my own good.
I can’t mentally handle a violent drug addict who I don’t even know anymore living with me.
I don’t believe he’s changed at all, and I know he’s just gonna act out again…

Sorry this was long, but if you were me, what would you do?

Best answer:

Answer by Gold
This may sound crazy, but its true…

Jesus Christ is the only permanent solution to man’s sin nature.

He took the punishment for us, and by that grace, we are saved and changed when we come to know him.

Its a permanent & radical U-turn on the road of life, and its not by our works.

Pray for him to come to salvation. (Even if its not something you’d normally do. Ask God to help him.)

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