Crystal Meth: Signs of Drug Abuse

by avramc

Signs of drug abuse may be apparent or not, depending on how the abuser is hiding their addiction as well as what they are taking.  Where some drug use is easier to hide than others, one that is very apparent is crystal meth use.  Those who see someone under the influence of crystal meth are usually well aware that there is something wrong with the person who is using the drug.  It creates a dramatically altered personality as well as other symptoms that are obvious to even those who are not aware of basic symptoms of the abuse of drugs or alcohol. 


The basic signs of drug abuse are a change in personality, a change in friendships, apathy towards things that a person once enjoyed, money missing, loss of weight and anger issues.  Those who are under the influence of crystal meth use will appear so high that their behavior is apparent to everyone around them.  They also tend to use lollypops as a way of coping with dry mouth as well as the grinding of the teeth as they want to bite down on something.  Those who suspect that someone they care for is taking crystal meth should not ignore the problem but confront the individual as well as seek out help. 


When it comes to adults who are under the influence of crystal meth use, it can be difficult to get them to do anything to admit that they have a problem as well as seek help.  Whereas parents who have teens in the throes of drug abuse can get them checked into rehab, many parents are reluctant to discuss this problem with outsiders for fear of reprisal.  However not acting is actually enabling the individual to continue the spiral of drug abuse.  Very often, when it comes to drugs such as crystal meth, a person will get arrested for having the drug or being under the influence, thus forcing them into a rehab program. 


Despite education and prevention programs, drug abuse remains rampant across the United States.  Those who know someone who is engaging in crystal meth use should do what they can to help the individual recognize that they have a problem and see to it that they seek help.  This can be easier said than done when it comes to an adult, but ignoring the problem  or cutting off communication is not going to do the addict any good and will most likely lead to more abuse of drugs. 


In the case of crystal meth use, it is important to act as quickly as possible.  While all drug abuse should be addressed, even if it is prescription drugs, crystal meth is particularly dangerous because of the highly addictive nature of the drug as well as the chemicals that are used to create the drug.  The sooner someone gets help for their addiction, the easier the recovery from the drug.  This should not be ignored by friends and family of an addict but continue to be addressed.  Those who are close to someone who is addicted to drugs such as crystal meth can arm themselves with as much information as possible so that they can do whatever they can to help the addict recover. 

Crystal Meth Use is on the rise and is one of the most dangerous drug addictions.  All Drug Abuse should be addressed by those close to the addict who can learn more about how to get someone the help they need by going to Recovery Now TV. 

Crystal Meth: Bonnie Blood vs. Crystal Meth

i didnt post this video to enable you to throw cheap shots at me but to encourage others to understand the dangers of what they are doing although the piece is about crystal meth, all drugs have the same effects with this being said please put the hate you have for me aside and listen to the message

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