Ugh My Mother Won’t Gave Me an Allowance…..?

Question by Mons?er: Ugh my mother won’t gave me an allowance…..?
I want a weekly allowance so I don’t have to beg for money. So I asked my mom and she said “you’ll just wast it on kiddie like stuff candy, video games, and crystal meth” so my question is how do I convince her gave me allowance??

Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!
I am 14 years old.
No my parent are rich make over 100 grand a year!! There just greedy.
Yea I asked twice no one gave me a good answer and I want money for the bang!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Livvye
did you do any chores? if you did she needs to give it to you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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