Crystal Meth: Methamphetamine, Getting Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Spot – SW Iowa News

Crystal Meth: Methamphetamine, Getting stuck between a rock and a hard spot – SW Iowa News
Chalk, ice, glass, crystal, meth – no matter what a person may call it, methamphetamine is an overly addictive, and destructive stimulant that has grabbed a hold of more than 500,000 people. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA …
Crystal Meth – Bing News

Crystal Meth: Tim Lott: Facebook ‘crystal meth of the cyberworld’ – New Zealand Herald
On 24 August 2010, I took a momentous step into an uncharted world. At the age of 54, I joined Facebook. What greeted me was a superabundance of horrors – banal gossip, boasting, trivia and moronic links to skateboarding pandas. So why am I still on it …
Crystal Meth – Bing News

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