Growing Crystal Meth Use Blurs Afghanistan’s Future – Gulf Times
Crystal Meth: Growing crystal meth use blurs Afghanistan’s future – Gulf Times
Growing crystal meth use blurs Afghanistan's future
Gulf Times Dubbed “glass” in Afghanistan, crystal meth only appeared in recent years and is made in high-tech labs across the border in Iran. Most of it is consumed in the border provinces of Herat and Nimroz, but seizures have been scattered across the country. |
Crystal Meth – Google News
Crystal Meth: Nazis on narcotics: How Hitler’s henchmen stayed alert during war by taking … – Daily Mail
Daily Mail |
Nazis on narcotics: How Hitler's henchmen stayed alert during war by taking …
Daily Mail We know it today as methamphetamine, or more commonly, crystal meth. High Hitler: Nazi troops, pictured in occupied France, were given an 'aid' to keep them alert which was actually crystal meth. Powerful: German troops popped pills of Pervitin – a … |
Crystal Meth: Testimony Jeff Bates Crystal Meth
Testimony Jeff Bates Crystal Meth.
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