Michigan to Keep Law Enforcement Database of Sudafed Buyers – YAHOO!
Crystal Meth: Michigan to Keep Law Enforcement Database of Sudafed Buyers – YAHOO!
Pseudoephedrine, the active ingredient in some sinus and allergy medications, is also used to make crystal methamphetamine, a highly addictive stimulant . In an effort to curb illegal meth labs, Michigan is requiring pseudoephedrine buyers to be listed on …
Crystal Meth – Bing News
Crystal Meth: ‘Breaking Bad’ season 4 premiere recap, ‘Box Cutter’: He is the danger
AMCLeft to right: Jesse (Aaron Paul), Mike (Jonathan Banks), Walt (Bryan Cranston) and Gus (Giancarlo Esposito) in the crystal meth lab deal with a whole new set of problems in the season four premiere of “Breaking Bad.” The first thing…
Read more on The Star-Ledger
Crystal Meth: Chemical industry hooked on TV show “Breaking Bad”
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Watching the success of the television show “Breaking Bad” has been a guilty pleasure for the chemical industry.
Read more on Reuters via Yahoo! News
Crystal Meth: Meth lab found in Pinehurst
A tip to police officers has led to the discovery of a meth lab in Pinehurst.
Read more on The Orange Leader
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