Crystal Meth Facts: Can a Recovering Addict Be in a Relationship With a Junkie?

Question by Riya Layne: Can a recovering addict be in a relationship with a junkie?
My boyfriend is a heroin addict- he and I are extremely close. We have been best friend for 17 years and just started dating recently. We are extremely compatible in every way besides the fact that I have recently gone to rehab and want to stay clean while he has no intention of giving up the junk.
I broke up with him but I know he really needs me and I need him in my life too. What do I do? How do I convince him that he needs to clean up his act?

Best answer:

Answer by STEVE C
It is hard for addicts to stay around drug users and remain clean, and it’s best to end all such relationships and stay in the drug-free world. Most drug addicts are constantly trying to addict other people, and no recovering addict needs that continual reminder. Staying clean is more important than being with this guy, and you should make it clear that he needs to quit if he has any chance with you. That will help you both stay off the junk.

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