Crystal Meth Facts: Crystal Meth/Speed. Does It Make Your Hair Grow, Then Make It Fall Out.?
Question by accidentalloser: Crystal Meth/Speed. Does it make your hair grow, then make it fall out.?
well my friend has done speed more than 10 times. suprisingly shes not addicted. and dont say she probably does it when shes alone because she doesnt. i know for a fact. we have her tested every two days lol.
anyways she said that when you do it, it makes your hair grow. she said when she did it it made her hair grow about half inch in two or three days.
but then can make it fall out.
same as my sister. she WAS addicted and her hair was down to her knees. literally. but that was over a course of about 2 years.
is this true. because im not too sure.
no im not considering doing it.
and shes not stupid cause shes the one who asked for help
so dont criticise.
i was just curious because we were talking about a boy on myspace
who goes through a new hairstyle every coupf months.
its always longer. i thought he had extensions but he said he was addicted to the stuff and she said its his real hair
because the drug makes your hair grow.
so there. =P
Best answer:
Answer by mrsdepp93
Um I highly doubt it, speed is a drug and you can stay up for 3 days when your on it.
Not good at all……your friends are fcking stupid, sorry but they are pathetic.
Oh and so are you cause your probably considering doing it, right?
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Crystal Meth Facts: Straight Up – Episode / Self-Image and Life Skills / Anti-Drug Educational Video
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