Crystal Meth Facts: Illegal Drugs in the USA?
Question by John Doe: Illegal drugs in the USA?
I was watching the show Breaking Bad and am now curious as to what the percentage of illegal drugs in America are, for instance, crystal meth, crack cocaine, ecstasy, etc. How prevalent is crystal meth compared to heroine, cocaine, or even pot?
Best answer:
Answer by Luke
I’d say by far Pot is the most prevalent due to the fact no one overdoses on it unless they boil it down and inject thc goo into their arm. Next prevalent wold be ecstasy due to raves and such. Id have to say Meth is probably more common than crack cocaine, I’m not sure because of how cheap it is… a meth high can last 12 hours sometimes. Cocaine would be next most prevalent because people don’t generally mainline coke and its expensive but its a really great upper kind of high. I’d say Heroin would be the last prevalent due to the high usage in the 90’s and how people die of heroine really really fast after mainlining it.
This is all speculation but I use to live in Seattle where there are more drugs than people so…. Yeah.
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