Crystal Meth Facts: Im 30 Never Worked a Day in My Life Because Throughout My Life People Have Bothered Me Over My Dark Circles?
Question by .: Im 30 never worked a day in my life because throughout my life people have bothered me over my dark circles?
Still live with mother, have never driven a car, never had a girlfriend, never been on a date, no GED. I guess I tried to get over the dark circles when I was 25 but by that time, one social anxiety led to another, which is the fact that I’m too old to have never worked before. I have too much social anxiety for a Job Interviewer plus I’m not educated enough. Wouldn’t know what to say to them. Don’t want to make a lot of eye contact with them. They would probably notice my chronic unemployment history, and that I really haven’t done anything with my life at 30 years old. I used to wear sunglasses every time I went out in public back in 2002. I also never knew my father.
It started back when I was in Middle School.
Student kept calling me stoner.
On the school bus sprayed me in the face with a squirt gun.
During a field trip I was crying because another student kept bothering me and my math teacher was just staring at me for crying and not doing anything about the other student.
The Vice Principal asked me if I watch The X Files when I was about to get on the School Bus.
In the gymnasium I saw my Teacher talking to another adult and moving her fingers under her eyes then she looked at me.
When I had to stand in front of the class and talk my legs were shaking.
In High school I was more of a loner after putting up with being treated like stoner in middle school
I sat in the Hallways by myself during lunch never went to the tables.
My History teacher said ”You look like you need sleep”
I dropped out of High school and left Florida because my Grandmother was always in a bad mood went to live with my Mother in Iowa, one of the first thing she said to me is I don’t even notice the dark circles. Ran away and stayed at the Airport for days.
Few years later my younger half sister said He’s shy because he has bags under his eyes.
Police Officer: What kind of drugs do you take, don’t lie to me I’ve been doing this job 10 years.
Gamestop Employee: You ok, looks like your having one of those days
Gamestop Employee: Trying to have a few minute conversation with me telling me about stuff but I would barely make eye contact so he was thinking this is awkward by his facial expression.
Movie Theater Employee: You all right tonight man.
Guy outside 7/11 Gets close to my face since I’m ignoring him, yep crystal meths he says.
Guy on bus, since I ignored him said, didn’t know I was talking to Charles Manson.
My childhood friend said It looks like he got hit in the eyes with 2 baseballs.
When I was having an argument with my older half sister she said crap around the eyes.
My mom would say to my younger half sister that she has black circles under her eyes and she needs to go to bed, even though she really didn’t. It was some kind of word game over me never getting a job.
Guy off the street says, what kind of pills do you take
Guy in pawn shop parking lot says Do I want to buy drugs.
Kids on street say I smoke crack for ignoring them.
My moms roommate said I look like a crackhead. She still allows him to live here for the very small amount of money he pays.
Mom smokes cigarettes all the time, walks down the streets to visit men neighbors all the time. Goes to food pantries all the time.
Now I don’t know what to do in life and time is running out for me. I have to put up with the way people treat me for looking like I do drugs even though I never have a day in my life. And I have to deal with the fact that I’m 30 and have no employment history.
Bottom Line
The combination of people reacting to my dark circles and my ongoing unemployment history has given me too much social anxiety to go to any job interviews.
Best answer:
Answer by Terry
The areas around my eyes are black-purple and I’m going to medical school. People just assume I’m tired from studying when I was just born with raccoon eyes. I just say I have really bad allergies, just tell people that.
My advice is: Get your GED, learn a trade or take cheaper online classes for a job in demand. That way, even if your interview isn’t perfect, the job is so in demand you’ll probably get it eventually anyway. Once you start working, you’ll eventually be able to afford your own place.
This is just advice though. You got find the will to jump start your life. I hope the best for you and good luck.
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