Crystal Meth Facts: My Ex Boyfriend Has Started Doing Crystal Meth?

Question by Jenna: My ex boyfriend has started doing crystal meth?
I was with him for about two years until he moved to France and we decided to be in an open relationship coz neither of us can handle long distance relationships but I still see him every year when he comes to spend the summer in England, I still care about him and we’re like best friends now.
But I’m worried because he recently told me he’s started doing crystal meth.
I don’t mind weed and pills and things like that, but meth and that is a bit extreme.
I don’t want to sound like his mum but I want to help him before its too late because I’ve heard it’s very addictive, what can I say to him?

Best answer:

Answer by Alex
Meth is a TERRIBLE thing to be on. It is highly addictive. You can be hooked in only one dose. Meth can kill during any one of the doses if they happen to be just a little too strong. Urge him as much as you can to stop as soon as possible.

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Crystal Meth Facts: Kaleidoscopic Smoke (Crystal Castles – Wrath of God)

Song is “Wrath of God” by Crystal Castles Shot on a Nikon D7000 with a 200mm lens. Edited in Adobe After Effects.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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