Crystal Meth Facts: Stay at Home Mom of 2 Babies Whos Addicted to Injecting Crystal Meth. Any Solutions in Detoxing? Advise?
Question by JESSICKA: Stay at home mom of 2 babies whos addicted to injecting crystal meth. any solutions in detoxing? advise?
Im a very depressed addict who recently just completed an 18-month drug program and regained custody of my 2yr old from cps. Although I surrounded myself with non-users I found the urge to just use one more time.I did and loved it! I started off by smoking it everyday for a month until I decided i wanted to inject it again. So here i am finding myself injecting myself a couple times a day! Is there any hope for me? how come i haven’t learned my lesson the first time? is there any solutions i could detox and avoid getting my kids taken from me? also im very scared to detox due to the fact i fall into a deep depression everytime and give up! Any advise from anyone????? HELP PLEASE!!!
Best answer:
Answer by Jenny J
you don’t need advice you have already chosen your path.
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Crystal Meth Facts: NARCONON Georgia volunteer talks about his work in Scientology
Narconon of Georgiauses the dangerous and useless sauna detoxification system made up by L. Ron Hubbard. “Scientology is evil; its techniques are evil; its practice is a serious threat to the community, medically, morally, and socially; and its adherents are sadly deluded and often mentally ill… (Scientology is) the world’s largest organization of unqualified persons engaged in the practice of dangerous techniques which masquerade as mental therapy.” — Justice Anderson, Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia All about Scientology and the totally independent Narconon drug rehab program run by Scientologists for Scientology. For more information about Narconon visit: Scientology Cult Narconon Georgia death drug alcohol rehab recovery addiction treatment help liver damage danger hubbard narconon drug rehab rehabilitation addict recovery facts scientology cult heroin cocaine marijuana dianetics tom cruise katie holmes anonymous chanology arrowhead exposed body thetans xenu fair game Re NARCONON Exposed – The TRUTH is OUT! All About Narconon Re: Narconon of Georgia talks about the dangers of prescription drugs Dying Scientology Addict Finds Narconon Crystal Meth Treatment NARCONON of Georgia Drug and Alcohol Rehab Information NARCONON of Georgia gives Scientology information to the schools Narconon of Georgia saves lives some times! Narconon-Vista Bay drug and alcohol treatment Scientology facilities Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab’s Scientology …
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