Crystal Meth Facts: Was My Husband on Drugs?? or Just Stress?
Question by lived laugh love: Was my husband on drugs?? or just stress?
okay so three months ago he stared acting very strengh it stared off by him not trusting me,for everything he thought i was cheating im pregnant i had hormones, I was hot and didn’t want him near me so he took that offensive. he was go in to school for medical assistance which he finish already but hes not working im the only one working and i found out this month he had not pay the bills for three months sends june that’s 3 bills like 400 dollars. he lost weight we were in a really stressful situation too doe were he couldn’t find a job.his old job half the people there did drugs anyways he denies everything he don’t know what hap pend to the money.they are on his name that’s what i don’t get. he tells me why would i do that to myself. then i was missing money from my drawer . he was hanging around with his cousin that i know for fact he is drugs.he said he has allot of love for him doe.last but not least i found crystal meth left offers wrap in a black baggy in the car of course he said it wasn’t his. the most crazy es thing is that he even try to blame me or someone putting that in the car,because i live the car open sometimes when im at work like our ex room mate we had my husband thinks he likes me. exroomate told one of his my husbands friends i slept with our exroomate which is not true exroomate denied saying it my husband friend said hes lying. exroomate is my friends brother he don’t like my husband because he thinks my husband stold this 500 worth dog from him and sold it . but the dog got loose i trust my husband on that. ex roomate was always in bad moods too anyways my husband said it was a set up from him. well ex roomate try to tell me before my husband was on drugs but didn’t prove it. he ask the drug dealer drug dealer he said no that guy never bought from me.we now are doing a little bit better hes looking for a job for medical assistance we live with his sister. he even delete his facebook and we got a new number.but they still found out his number wich stared a fight today because he i don’t trust him he dont want me telling his cousen that was on drugs nothing.and i wish i can trust him again and he denieds everything and is weird because his a very honest person.i wish i can just find out the true. everytime my husband gets mad hes being living me at the house bymyself with no way to get a hold him.
‘it sucks” because my mind is stuck on did i make him live, or he just found an excusee to do it. this not healthy for my baby doe, an im scared that if i live him and could of being wrong about him the whole time.
Best answer:
Answer by Wolf
Please seperate your paragraphs.
If he is on drugs will you leave him? Addiction is a complecated thing, just leaving him isnt the best way to go.
First you need to find out if hes doing it or not. Get him to edmit what hes doing. If he does not edmit but you KNOW 100% you can say talk to me when your honest. Then you can leave, If he calls you and tells you the truth and that he is done. then you can work on it from there.
But dont just take his words for it, He may even think he is done with it. He will go right back at it. He would have to go to rehab first
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