Crystal Meth Facts: What Would You Do?

Question by pixie: what would you do?
my brother and sister in law to be have put me in a rehab centre for crystal meth use,its all because of her, she comes from a perfect family with no problems and her and my brother have the perfect life. they have money live in a huge house have the perfect relationship and now a baby on the way. i have begged them to come get me out and they say no. i think they just want me out the way. my brother says they arent being manipulated anymore and either i get my act straight or get lost. its all her, she is putting ideas in his head. how do i get him to see this.

Best answer:

Answer by found_you_boring
I think it’s the meth still talking through you. When you are ready to leave rehab, truly ready, it will be obvious to more people than just you.

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Crystal Meth Facts: Las caras de las drogas

Drugs abuse meth faces addicts cops Drug abuse pictures before and after.
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