How Long Should I Expect the Repercussions / Consequences of Crystal Methamphetamine Abuse to Last?

Question by Katie: How long should I expect the repercussions / consequences of Crystal Methamphetamine Abuse to last?
I abused Crystal Meth from when I was 15 to 18 1/2 …. so overall I would say about 4 years. I smoked every single day for two years of this period, and would finish up an “8 ball” about every day.

I am now 20, and have had extreme anxiety attacks (hospitalized over 100 times in 2 years) about 4 months after I stopped smoking crystal meth.

It’s been at least 2 years since any drugs. I still have extreme anxiety attacks, but they are becoming less common and aggressive.

I think these attacks are from the years of crystal meth abuse.

———> Does anyone know how long it takes for 4 years of crystal meth abuse to completely get out of my system?! I am NOT looking for the “It will never get out of your system because you are horrible for even doing drugs” answer. I am really looking for a practical honest answer. or even a guess.

I am squeaky clean now and I am paying for the years of drugs…. just want to know when I can start living a normal life without having to go to the hospital every other week.
Lamictal 100mg – bipolar
Valium at night: 5mg
Ativan in morning: 1mg

Pot doesn’t help, makes me worse :/

Best answer:

Answer by thelongride
despite everthing you know about drugs you chose to do them anyways?

but from what ive seen( and i have a family member who ent through this) they have been clean for 3 years and still look like a meth head. so it may take a long time.

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