I Know My Ex Bf Is Doing Crystal Meth in the Home of His Kids but He Threatened Me Not to Say Anything?

Question by anj: I know my ex bf is doing crystal meth in the home of his kids but he threatened me not to say anything?
We dated over a year and a half. He has 3 children ages ranging 10-14. The mother is not in the picture. We had a messy breakup 2 months ago. He told me around the time we broke up he had tried meth a “couple times” the month before. Since the break up he’s moved on with a new woman and she’s moved in to the home. I know for a fact the two of them are doing meth in the home with the children in the home..and are inviting strangers into the home late at night for sex threesomes while high on the meth.

I talked to his dad and told him that my ex was making some really bad choices. Apparently his dad mentioned it to my ex and my ex called me and said never to talk to people in his life or he would be “not so nice” to me in the future. I want nothing to do with my ex again..honestly he is scary and I don’t want to be a part of this sordid world anymore. But I love his children and am very scared for their safety and I feel an obligation to try to do something..how safe can they be when the “adults” in the home are using meth? What should I do? I dont think I can talk to my ex..he’s beyond hope..Should I talk to his father and just lay it all out what is going on. I know it will get traced back to me though and I will get retaliated against. Should I just butt out? I need good advice please.

Best answer:

Answer by GreenMan
Call child protective services but don’t give your name & also block your phone number.

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Crystal Meth Facts: A Father’s Journey

By Sam Puchert The Chapin School English Independent Reading Project Term 1
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