Why Is Smoking Marijuana Bad?

Question by : Why is smoking marijuana bad?
Smoking weed isn’t bad… True facts about pot:
Why marijuana isn’t that bad! Because it isn’t! The sweet-mary-jane just only makes you feel good! Alcohol is still 10x worse than it! For god sake’s caffeine is worse than it! The bomb is the least toxic illegal drug! And why do your parents/government/etc allows you to make the stupid decision to drink alcohol, but not smoke the sweet-leaf? I mean ma-rich-ana kills brain cells, but doesn’t kill your brain, while alcohol kills a lot of brain cells and plus gives you brain poisoning? Okay, it’s not good to smoke the black-stuff, but it’s worse to drink alcohol? So why rid the choice of just making you feel good, when you are bored and nothing to do, instead of getting drunk and then having a hangover? Tobacco cigarettes (with added chemicals by companies) is a much dangerous thing to take instead of smoking the good-sh*t… Nicotine makes you addicted to the cigarettes, while suckers, you don’t get addicted to all! Don’t believe all the reefer madness (false information about marijuana) that your parents tell you… You should be given the choice to smoke reef, same for alcohol and tobacco… LEGALIZE MARIJUANA! Look I get strait Bs (and Cs) at school and I smoke dope, so it doesn’t kill your brain that much… I know a girl, intelligent girl, much better than me, that gets strait As and smokes the battery! It’s a gift from god, he planted it on the earth! It’s a natural plant that grows in the south! Natural! Why did it became illegal? Same reason why alcohol became illegal with marijuana in the 30s… The tobacco company saw both marijuana and alcohol as big competitors so they advertise that it was bad (reefer madness), then the government got scared and it made both illegal… Alcohol soon became back legal, and now it’s the time for marijuana! Keep smoking dynamite, it’ll BLOW YOUR MIND! And this is true information, you can get this wherever through the internet. But still people will believe reefer madness… It’s bad, but somehow good, because it’s more healthier than the rest. Parents would react if they see their child drinking, but seeing their child smoking, OMFG! It’s healthier than alcohol, but still yet, we need panic more! It’s illegal! OMFG! It’s bad! … C’mon… F*ck that sh*t! People panic more when things are illegal, when the things shouldn’t be illegal. If it becomes legal the drug dealers will stop dealing and the drug won’t cost a lot. Also it’ll help the government with money, if it becomes legal and then the government can take over of the drug! And they’ll get money, and it’ll take care of the mafia, well not completely, but still mostly, because weed is their biggest drug that sells! And they want to keep it illegal, for the money! So they’ll lose a lot of profit when it becomes legal. Also Marijuana isn’t a gateway drug, not at all, it’s your fault if you start taking other drugs, don’t blame it on the weed! This drug just makes you high! It’s just a plant that naturally grows in the south, but when you sat on fire and breath in the smoke… It just makes you feel good. You get no hallucinations from pot, the amount of cannabis (marijuana) you have to smoke to get hallucinations is until it becomes poisonous to the body, and that’s like smoking a building of marijuana. I hope parents/adults will understand, but they won’t, they never do… They’ll just feel ashamed, embarrassed and disappointed in you. They just want everything to be “perfect”, and want you to follow their orders… They have to understand that smoking TNT-sticks is better than smoking just plain old cigarettes…
Yes there is a lot of side terms I used… I did it in purpose.

PS: I however believe that Class A drugs (heroin, cocaine, crystal meth, etc) should stay illegal. They can ruin your life, pot can’t…

And BTW I don’t need this drug to be happy… I have a life, my life is music! Last time I smoked it was like 1 year ago… I really don’t need it, but I just don’t understand why it is illegal… “Illegal Substance is bad!” and yet this illegal substance is better than other illegal drugs, and better than legal drugs… Caffeine is more toxic that marijuana! That shows how bad this plant is!

Best answer:

Answer by BonJagger
no, its illegal because the government would make very little money off of it. if it was legalized, everyone would be growing it and the government wouldn’t make a profit off of it by selling it. it’s all about money. the government keeps alcohol legal becasue it controls the distillation process. in other words, money is way more important than us to them.

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