"Breaking Bad" Midseason Finale Sets Stage for Killer Ending

Crystal Meth History: "Breaking Bad" midseason finale sets stage for killer ending
It must feel pretty good to be Walter White, a.k.a “Heisenberg.” A little more than a year has passed since he was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer and turned to manufacturing crystal meth as a means of providing for his family.
Crystal Meth History – Yahoo! News Search Results

Crystal Meth History: 2 arrested in hazmat incident
Neighbors became evacuees after the chemical scare Monday night along Ridgely Oak Road in Loch Raven Heights.
Crystal Meth History – Yahoo! News Search Results

Crystal Meth History: Marlborough’s Shades of ‘Grey’: Jonah Freeman and Justin Lowe Turn the Gallery Into ‘a Parallel Universe, Where Time …
You walk into an art gallery on West 25th Street. It’s the Marlborough Chelsea, right? Well, yes and no. The gallery you enter is hung with paintings and collages, but it doesn’t look like Marlborough. Moving on, you find yourself in an art storage space. Then a public lavatory, then a private one, as if in somebody’s home, where you step into the bathtub, then, Alice-fashion, you pop through a …
Crystal Meth History – Yahoo! News Search Results

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