Crystal Meth History: Bath Salts: Gruesome Miami Attack Adds to Drug’s Bizarre History – Christian Science Monitor

Crystal Meth History: Bath salts: Gruesome Miami attack adds to drug’s bizarre history – Christian Science Monitor

Christian Science Monitor

Bath salts: Gruesome Miami attack adds to drug's bizarre history
Christian Science Monitor
With echoes of earlier drug epidemics – crack cocaine in the 1980s, prescription-drug abuse in 1990s, crystal meth in the 2000 – the bath-salt scare is both shocking and routine. "It's nothing new. It's stimulant abuse in its most recent formulation,

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Crystal Meth History – Google News

Crystal Meth History: Crown wants 14-year sentence for ‘downright evil’ woman who stabbed Ottawa … – Ottawa Citizen

Crown wants 14-year sentence for 'downright evil' woman who stabbed Ottawa
Ottawa Citizen
Phillips said previous sentences of a year and 90 days in jail focused on Bird's rehabilitation for severe substance abuse problems that dated back to when she was 12, and included her using heroin, crack cocaine and crystal meth.

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Crystal Meth History – Google News

Crystal Meth History: BOOK REVIEW: Harry Crews – Oxford American

BOOK REVIEW: Harry Crews
Oxford American
Now, calling Harry Crews your introduction to Southern writing is a bit like calling crystal meth your gateway drug. Just about all of the usual stereotypes and tropes that are used to alternately dismiss or praise Southern literature are more than

Crystal Meth History – Google News

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