Crystal Meth History: Free Schools, Frozen Yogurt and Jew-Obsessed Lib Dems – (Blog)

Crystal Meth History: Free schools, frozen yogurt and Jew-obsessed Lib Dems – (blog)

Free schools, frozen yogurt and Jew-obsessed Lib Dems (blog)
Thank goodness she landed the part, because otherwise she might have been relegated to a footnote in showbiz history. Before soap stardom My latest addiction is to frozen yogurt: safer than crystal meth, though just as moreish. The stuff I like is

Crystal Meth History – Google News

Crystal Meth History: There Are Dangers in Drinking Diet Soda – Daily Beast

There Are Dangers in Drinking Diet Soda
Daily Beast
One recent report in General Dentristy found that heavy consumption diet soft drinks can erode teeth as much as much as crystal meth or crack cocaine. A 2012 study found that She had no family history of heart problems. The woman was told to stop 

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Crystal Meth History – Google News

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