Narcotics Investigation Yields Meth Dealer Arrests – the Franklin Sun

Narcotics investigation yields meth dealer arrests – The Franklin Sun

Narcotics investigation yields meth dealer arrests
The Franklin Sun
Five suspected top-level crystal methamphetamine distributors have been taken off the streets after a two-year investigation that started in Union Parish. The arrests were announced Tuesday at Metro Narcotics headquarters in West Monroe with all the 

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Crystal Meth History – Google News

Rob Thomas Brings ‘iZombie’ Procedural To The CW – Huffington Post

Rob Thomas Brings 'iZombie' Procedural To The CW
Huffington Post
It was a big day for The CW, which officially gave the green light to two potential spin-off pilots. While fans have known about "The Flash" pilot — originally a backdoor pilot in "Arrow," now a stand-alone project — and the proposed "Supernatural

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Crystal Meth History – Google News

The Demon-Haunted House Of Thuy Le – The Awl

The Awl

The Demon-Haunted House Of Thuy Le
The Awl
Le begged Greer to look into the history of the house. Maybe it was haunted, Le told Christl wasted no time plowing into Greer on cross-examination: "When you lived in Stockton, weren't you addicted to crystal meth?" "Um," Greer stammered, his

Crystal Meth History – Google News

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