Crystal Meth Treatment: The Positive Art of Hip Hop Supports Narconon With Anti-Prescription Drug Abuse Message

Crystal Meth Treatment: The Positive Art of Hip Hop supports Narconon with anti-prescription drug abuse message The Positive Art of Hip Hop(tm) supports Narconon(r) with an anti-prescription drug message. Abuse of prescription drugs has become more of a serious problem than street drugs. The recent death of Michael Jackson due to prescription drug abuse has roused many artists to take a stronger stand against prescription drugs. Hip hop artist Tru-Ace and R&B singer Luigi, deliver a message to their public in Los Angeles, CA about prescription drugs with the solution to find the truth about drugs through visiting the Narconon website at Both of these hip hop artists and their dancers are drug-free. Tru-Ace and his dancer-J Blu Luigi and his dancers, Raul and Ray Ray. © 2009 Narconon International. All Rights Reserved. Narconon and the Narconon logo are trademarks and service marks owned by the Association of Better Living and Education International and are used with its permission.
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