Feds Fail to Use Effective Drug Treatment Plans in Prison
Crystal Meth Rehab: Feds fail to use effective drug treatment plans in prison
Despite 20 years of scientific evidence showing that drug treatment programs work, the feds fail to offer enough of them to prisoners, according to a new study. Currently 7.1 million adults–over 2 percent of the population–in the U.S. are locked up or on probation; about half of them suffer from some kind of addiction — heroin , alcohol , crack , crystal meth , you name it–but only 20 …
Crystal Meth Rehab – Yahoo! News Search Results
Crystal Meth Rehab: WWE: WWE.com’s Worst Mistakes, Spoilers, Photoshop Fails, Fake Deaths, & More
For whatever reason, when WWE.com screws something up, they do it spectacularly. They’re usually pretty polished and professional, but when they mess something up, it’s memorable. Some of these things are simple oversights that happened to be really amusing. Some are inexcusable and should have gotten someone fired. Some were just judgment calls that were in really bad taste. Some are just …
Crystal Meth Rehab – Yahoo! News Search Results
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