Rehab Meth: Doing a Photography Project, Want to Do It About Addiction/drugs Ect..?

Question by Tilly W: Doing a photography project, want to do it about addiction/drugs ect..?
does anyone know any photograhers thats subjects are drugs or addiction?!! really want to do this as a topic, but cant find or think of any photographers who do it! would be loadsa help taaaaaa!

Best answer:

Answer by cheapestpcrepair
if you want photos of what meth can do to you, go to each time you refresh the page there will be new photo of meth mouth and meth mites.

you can also check out the video “Faces of Meth” on youtube

anyone reading this that has a problem with meth or any other drug, please watch the video at and get the drug rehab you need!

good luck with your photography project!

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