Club and Prescription Drug Abuse in Wyoming
Both club and prescription drug abuses are quite significant in the overall problem of drug abuse in Wyoming. These are apart from the other common forms of addiction such as heroin addiction, cocaine addiction, marijuana addiction and even alcohol addiction, which is the most prevalent form of chemical dependency in the state.
Here we shall see some details on these two forms of drug abuse in Wyoming. Here are some statistics and trends on club and prescription drug abuse in the state.
Club Drug Abuse in Wyoming
By definition, club drugs are those that people use in party and rave circuits. These are drugs that are typically popular among the youth, because these are the kinds of people that frequent such areas. The main forms of club drugs that are popular in the state are methamphetamine and ecstasy.
Methamphetamine is one of the most popular forms of club drug addiction in the state. This substance was not present on the drug addiction scene of Wyoming until about ten years ago, but in the last few years, the drug has become much more prevalent than other forms of addiction in the state. Methamphetamine comes into Wyoming mainly from Mexico, through road trafficking methods. The drug is brought here both in its original form a purer form known as crystal meth, locally known as ice.
Another source of methamphetamine in Wyoming is through the various meth labs that are secretly operating within the state. These labs work through the agencies of one or two people and can produce up to ten pounds of methamphetamine and crystal meth each day from some crude materials such as cough syrups, antifreeze and other such easily available materials.
Though there have been various crackdowns and patrolling on the highways have become stricter in recent times, methamphetamine and crystal meth still continue to flow freely into Wyoming, thus adding considerably to the problem of drug abuse in the state.
Other popular club drugs in the state are MDMA (also known as Ecstasy) and GHB. These drugs are sourced from the state of Colorado. They are locally distributed in the youth-centric areas of the state such as in nightclubs and rave party zones. These drugs are popular because they are cheaply available and they have a capacity to produce an immediate high. Psilocybin mushrooms and LSD are also popular on the scene of club drug abuse in Wyoming among the other substances already mentioned.
Prescription Drug Abuse in Wyoming
Prescription drugs are those drugs that are administered for the treatment of certain diseases or illnesses. However, a lot of these substances are habit forming. They are used by a wide cross section of people in Wyoming for recreation. This contributes to the problem of prescription drug abuse in Wyoming.
There are several drugs that are a part of prescription drug abuse in the state. The most significant of these drugs are Valium, Vicodin and Dilaudid. Valium is a benzodiazepine and th others are painkillers. They have a mild habit forming effect due to which they can be used for recreation.
This causes several supplementary problems in the state, such as making fake prescriptions, shopping for prescriptions, etc. There are several healthcare professionals involved in this activity. In any case, the problem of prescription drug abuse in Wyoming is quite prominently present within the state.
This problem is quite significant in two groups of people in the state. The most significant population is the senior population. These people are usually prescribed these drugs due to geriatric problems. The substances can become habit forming over time and this makes the addiction treatment more difficult too. This is a common issue in senior alcohol and drug abuse treatment in the state. The main reason why the drug abuse is common among the seniors is because of the ready availability (through prescription) to them.
The second group of people who abuses prescription drugs is the adolescents. These youngsters frequently find these substances within their own homes and that is the reason why they also have a ready availability of the substance. Youngsters who check in for drug abuse treatment in Wyoming are often found to have supplementary problems of a prescription drug abuse, most of which are narcotic painkillers that have been prescribed by a physician to an elderly person in their own homes.
These two kinds of drug abuse form a big share of drug addiction in the state. Several methods of treatment are used in various rehab centers to combat prescription and club drug abuse.
Click on to read more articles such as this one on drug abuse in Wyoming.
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