Crystal Meth: Crystal Meth Drug Set to Wreak Havoc in Ireland Say Experts There
Crystal Meth: Crystal Meth drug set to wreak havoc in Ireland say experts there
Crystal Meth is quickly becoming Ireland’s newest problem drug. The drug’s use, considered the most addictive and most dangerous, is soaring throughout the country as both gardai and health counsellors attempt to squash its growth.
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Crystal Meth: Six year investigation leads investigators to crystal meth bust
A six year investigation leads investigators to a crystal meth bust they believe originated in California.
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Crystal Meth: Eastday-Gangs using cold capsules for meth
THE cold medicine Contac NT has fallen into short supply in east China's Shandong Province because drug dealers are buying it en masse to make crystal meth, the Qilu Evening News reported yesterday.
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