Crystal Meth: Help, Drugs Involved?

Question by Alex: Help, drugs involved?
My bro-in-law recently started doing drugs “crystal meth” so my sister broke up with him. I am really depressed because I feel like I lost a BROTHER, hes family to me & knowing he might not stop using the drug makes me feel really bad. I literally cry with anger knowing I lost a true friend. He was always there for us, he was a happy man. What can I do to help him? What can I do to help myself? I feel sick, I dont feel like myself anymore since this happened. HELP! The reason I feel really sick is because I dont have an older brother & he filled in that spot of becoming my brother, at least thats how I felt! 🙁
I’m 17 btw,male, he’s 28!

Best answer:

Answer by Brittany
thats a tough one…this is just my opinion..when dealing with someone that doing crystal meth its very hard to judge them and what they’ll do…my brother was on it for 4 years. you said you dont feel like yourself, thats exactly how hes feeling only he doesnt realize it…hes completely different! because thats what meth and almost all heavy drugs do to you. If I was you Im sorry but just try to forget about him right now, focus on school and graduating and getting into college then once you know hes completely off of the drug them start the relationship/friendship back up again…..hope I helped. Good luck and I know its hard so be strong!

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