Crystal Meth: Help, Family Member Is Using Drugs?

by Fred?

Question by Alex: Help, family member is using drugs?
My bro-in-law recently started doing drugs “crystal meth” so my sister broke up with him. I am really depressed because I feel like I lost a BROTHER, hes family to me & knowing he might not stop using the drug makes me feel really bad. I literally cry with anger knowing I lost a true friend. He was always there for us, he was a happy man. What can I do to help him? What can I do to help myself? I feel sick, I dont feel like myself anymore since this happened. HELP
I’m 17 btw, male, he’s 28!

Best answer:

Answer by Lossera
You could slap the shit out of him. Then hug him. That is what i would do if my 30 year old bro in law did meth

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