Crystal Meth: Narcotics Officers Receive Meth Lab Training – Portsmouth Daily Times

Crystal Meth: Narcotics officers receive meth lab training – Portsmouth Daily Times

Narcotics officers receive meth lab training
Portsmouth Daily Times
Approximately 12 years ago, when crystal meth began showing up in Scioto County at alarming proportions, area law enforcement officers were trained by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation & Identification (BCI&I) in methods of recognizing and

Crystal Meth – Google News

Crystal Meth: Cooking Crystal Methamphetamine (and a look at a steroid lab)

MORE at: WHAT IS CRYSTAL METH? Crystal meth is short for crystal methamphetamine. It is just one form of the drug methamphetamine. Methamphetamine is a white crystalline drug that people take by snorting it (inhaling through the nose), smoking it or injecting it with a needle. Some even take it orally, but all develop a strong desire to continue using it because the drug creates a false sense of happiness and well-being—a rush (strong feeling) of confidence, hyperactiveness and energy. One also experiences decreased appetite. These drug effects generally last from six to eight hours, but can last up to twenty-four hours. The first experience might involve some pleasure, but from the start, methamphetamine begins to destroy the user’s life. WHAT IS METHAMPHETAMINE? Methamphetamine is an illegal drug in the same class as cocaine and other powerful street drugs. It has many nicknames—meth, crank, chalk or speed being the most common. (See the list of street names.) Crystal meth is used by individuals of all ages, but is most commonly used as a “club drug,” taken while partying in night clubs or at rave parties. Its most common street names are ice or glass. It is a dangerous and potent chemical and, as with all drugs, a poison that first acts as a stimulant but then begins to systematically destroy the body. Thus it is associated with serious health conditions, including memory loss, aggression, psychotic behavior and potential heart and brain damage. Highly
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