Crystal Meth Rehab and Weight Gain

by pvera

In certain circles, there is a dangerous misconception that crystal meth abuse promotes weight loss. In reality, the drug actually causes life-threatening self-neglect, and poor health and malnutrition are often side effects of this. Although there is no medical basis for the use of crystal meth as a weight-loss aid, that does not stop thousands of people from trying to use it this way. As a result, crystal meth rehab institutions see a large number of addicts who have psychological issues regarding body image and weight.

Meth and weight loss Among many of these crystal meth abusers, there is a fear that attending crystal meth rehab will lead to weight gain. The actual effects of quitting the drug vary from person to person, but in reality, quitting meth is always better for one’s health. Many meth addicts are malnourished and could certainly stand to gain some weight, but weight gain is not a foregone conclusion. If you have had weight issues in the past, crystal meth rehab is actually a good time to find a healthy attitude and improve one’s body image, and there is no better place to do this than a supportive rehab center.

Methamphetamine does act as an appetite suppressant in many people. When you combine this with the burst of energy it gives its users, it is easy to see why so many meth addicts become gaunt and underweight. While this may have some appeal to those who want to be thin, it is important to remember that the thinness goes along with other health issues. Meth addicts often develop splotchy skin, serious acne, and rotting teeth, and the drug also negatively affects one’s metabolism and mental functioning. Some of the damage can be permanent.

Weight and rehab After entering rehab, many recovering meth addicts do find their appetite growing. However, this is not a bad thing. It is just a return to normal. It is a sign that the body is overcoming its addiction and beginning to regain its balance, which is a good thing.

But for anyone with a history of psychological issues with body image, this sudden increase in appetite can be slightly disturbing. That is part of why it is such a good idea to recover in an inpatient crystal meth rehab facility. Under full-time care, you can talk to your doctor about what you are going through and he or she can help you work through it.

Meanwhile, during crystal meth rehab it is a great idea to start working with a therapist to get to the bottom of any psychological conditions that might be underlying the body weight issues. As you develop a healthy outlook, you will soon find that you feel healthier than ever, and the period after getting clean is a great time to establish healthy habits of diet and exercise.

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Crystal Meth: Breaking Bad – Jesse Selling Meth Montage

Breaking Bad, season 1, episode 04, “Crazy Handful of Nothing”. Jesse Pinkman slings some crystal to the musical styling of “It is such a good night” by The Charlie Steinmann Orchestra & Singers REMEMBER I DID NOT DO THIS. IT IS OWNED BY AMC AND CREATED THE FINE… CREATORS. BAM. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE. MERELY SHARING.

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