Crystal Meth: The Pain and Suffering Caused by Crystal Meth Addiction
Crystal Meth addiction is one of the world’s most gruesome realities. In the United States alone, it is said that there are 1.5 million users who are addicted to crystal meth. Crystal meth addiction is not that easy to curb despite the stringent rules against it because of its high availability, inexpensiveness, and the energy boost it can give.
Unlike heroin, cocaine, and other prohibited drugs, it is also easy to mix and concoct, which makes it very easy to use; hence the continuously growing populace of crystal meth abusers. Anyone can quickly spot an abuser because of its physical effects. Any addict would have that “wounded look.” His face would be dry and sullen. His teeth are rotten and his jaw drops.
The drug dries up the gums totally that leads to teeth grinding and the jaw to collapse inward. Another symptom that any crystal meth addict would exhibit is constant scratching of his face with the use of fingernails. This is called picking and it may lead to serious face injuries. An abuser will also have excessive weight loss, deep sleep, and excessive sweating.
The effects are not merely physical. They are emotional and psychological as well. Prolonged and too much use may lead to crime and the users’ involvement in many acts of violence, oftentimes a result of his paranoid schizophrenia. He may also develop suicidal tendencies.
Remember that a puff of crystal meth can keep a user high for 24 hours. When compared with other prohibited drugs, it is the most powerful; thus more destructive, one of the leading causes of crime. Any abuser would suffer from the short term and long term effects of the substance. This drug is a popular and most abused substance because of the “rush” that it can give for more than a half day to its users. This “rush” results from releasing high levels of dopamine which is a neurotransmitter to the areas of the brain that control the sense of pleasure.
The drug has toxic effects of damaging the nerve terminals of that part of the brain where it is stored most. This usually causes a lethal high temperature leading to convulsion. By far, the most detrimental long term effect of crystal meth use is addiction. This means constant craving for the drug in increasing dosage. With the increased dosage, an abuser may experience hallucinations (i.e. insects crawling out of the skin), intense paranoia that oftentimes lead to suicidal attempts, and extreme violence.
Any abuser is expected to experience lack of sleep and loss of appetite, totally foregoing them sometimes, only to crave for the substance. The pain you get from crystal meth is not worth the short term “high.”
When you’re a crystal meth user, the greatest thing you can give yourself is self-control and healing. Here is a site which can provide you that without the feeling of being ostracized or isolated:
crystal meth addiction help
If you want to know more about crystal meth and its effects, you can read more about the topic on this site: crystal meth addiction
Article Source:
Crystal Meth: Wisper Locc Onna Cutty Feat. Crystal Meth & Savage Queen Vonnie
Ryda Muzic
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