Crystal Meth Use Lowest Since 2004 – KHON2

Crystal Meth: Crystal meth use lowest since 2004 – KHON2
­Crystal methamphetamine use dropped to its lowest level since 2004. That’s according to Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Inc. who started tracking workforce drug testing statistics in 2004. “This past quarter¹s workforce drug testing statistics indicate …
Crystal Meth – Bing News

Crystal Meth: Drug dealing pilot denied bail request by Montco judge
NORRISTOWN – Amid reports that an alleged drug dealing pilot made threats against a police informant, a judge has denied the Colorado man’s request for reduced bail.
Read more on The Mercury

Crystal Meth: Agassi Inducted To Tennis Hall Of Fame
The long hair is long gone, the denim shorts have faded to memory, and there was Andre Agassi accepting induction into the International Tennis Hall of Fame on Saturday with an overdue affection for the sport he once resented and a rejection of the “Image is everything” attitude that helped propel him to stardom.
Read more on CBS 2 Los Angeles

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