Crystal Meth: Why Do Like…only Gay Guys Take Crystal Meth?
Question by dianemarie: why do like…only gay guys take crystal meth?
???!! i dont get it, everytime i hear “ohhh he uses meth..”, that person turns out to be gay.. what?? and theres those commercials that say, “my family was okay with me being gay.. but i lost them because of meth..” and ALL the guys on the commercial are gay. im lost… help please????
okkk people…im not saying ALL gays take meth.. i KNOW that, what im asking is why is the majority of meth users gay? and if the majority isnt.. why do in all the commercials and “true life” episode make it look like it??
im not steriotyping!!!! im wondering why other people are saying it, and tv shows are saying it!! so dont say that!! i LOVE gay ppl, lots are my friends!! there COOL and FUNNY. and the gov isnt conspiring to make ppl think that. there HAS to be some other reason they choose gays. so stop calling me “ingnorant”!!
Best answer:
Answer by Damn Pocket Protector
Thanks a lot…
Now I’m gonna need some “Serious Therapy…”
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Crystal Meth: Palin Wants CRYSTAL METH Legalized! – UnificationNow
Thisvideo was created by Amanda. Visit her fun & healing art at or, if you’d like to receive an empathic tarot reading from Amanda, check out http Palin Wants CRYSTAL METH Legalized! was written by Mystic Life whose work can be seen at 3 Free Min Psychic & Tarot Readings http 10 Mins/ Psychics & Tarot Readers This channel is sponsored by ethical reading sites which offer live online psychic readings, tarot readers and astrology. For insights from Mystic Life (Chris from UnificationNow) and others go to http Join us at MySpace PLEASE HELP US OUT By Remembering To… SUBSCRIBE!!! Comment! Share! Rate! TAGS: Sarah palin john Mccain barack obama crystal meth palin-mccain palin/mccain imitators imitation spoof comedy sketch impersonation mock mimmick mocking skit impersonator glasses specs hair wasilla alaska republican GOP election god left right liberal conservative politics partisan sara paylen paylin comedian progressive administration she put herself first agenda
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