Guangdong Police Seize 3 Tonnes of Crystal Meth in Lufeng Raid – South China Morning Post

Guangdong police seize 3 tonnes of crystal meth in Lufeng raid – South China Morning Post

Guangdong police seize 3 tonnes of crystal meth in Lufeng raid
South China Morning Post
Guangdong police have seized three tonnes of the drug "ice" in eastern Lufeng city as part of simultaneous anti-narcotic raids across the province. Police did not reveal whether the seized drugs – nearly a fifth by volume of mainland seizures of
South China police seize 3 tonnes of crystal methPeople’s Daily Online

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Crystal Meth – Google News

Andre Agassi + Crystal Meth — Best song about crystal meth ever produced. Most successful meth user ever. I believe they refer to this as an ‘alley-oop’ in sports lingo. Can of corn? Vict…

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