Man Arrested for Selling Crystal Meth – Opelousas Daily World

Man arrested for selling crystal meth – Opelousas Daily World

Man arrested for selling crystal meth
Opelousas Daily World
A Lafayette man has been arrested after allegedly trying to sell crystal meth in Opelousas. Currently being held in the Opelousas City Jail on a charge of distribution of schedule II drugs is Samuel Blake Guidry, 37, of 206 Jefferey Drive, Lafayette

Crystal Meth – Google News

Man arrested on charge of selling crystal meth – The Republic

Man arrested on charge of selling crystal meth
The Republic
An investigation led to the search of a residence northwest of Columbus and the arrest of a man on a charge of selling crystal methamphetamine while on house arrest, police said. This story appears in the print edition of The Republic. Subscribers can

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Crystal Meth – Google News

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