Police Seeing More Methamphetamine in the Region – North Bay Nugget
Crystal Meth: Police seeing more methamphetamine in the region – North Bay Nugget
Speed, meth, chalk, ice, zip, crystal, crystal meth, glass. Whatever name it’s called, there’s more methamphetamine on streets in Northeastern Ontario, North Bay Police Service said in a news release. “Users become so physically and psychologically …
Crystal Meth – Bing News
Crystal Meth: Meth Users More Likely to Contract HIV – EDGE Boston
“For the past 5 to 10 years or so, I think that crystal methamphetamine use is a scourge in our community that is helping to fuel the HIV epidemic.” The study looked at more than 9,000 people. Those who admitted using meth in the preceding year were almost …
Crystal Meth – Bing News
Crystal Meth: City police caution public methamphetamine is on our streets – baytoday.ca
Police in the Northeast Region have had an increase in occurrences relating to methamphetamine. This drug can be found in powder, crystal, or pill form. It is one of the most powerful and dangerous psycho stimulants available on the street. It is highly addictive.
Crystal Meth – Bing News
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