Should I Call the DEA?

Question by Jefferson: Should I call the DEA?
I know for a fact that my neighbor sells methamphetamine. And by “I know” what I mean is that I actually see him do it (and I figure me must be kinda high up, because he doesn’t sell white powder. He sells solid crystals the size of your middle finger, and I am not under the impression that low level dealers can’t get stuff that pure and that high quality).. He doesn’t appear to cook, but he sells a lot. And I mean A LOT. I live in Portland and so far as I can tell the closest DEA office is in Seattle. Honestly, I’ve been around the block a few times back when I was in college and it isn’t the drugs themselves that upset me but the fact that he’s open and selling until four, five, six in the morning which upsets me because they’re loud and I need to sleep.. I have three jobs. I have to sleep, but this dude has people steadily in and out of this house all night, keeping me awake. He rents the basement apartment of a large house. I’ve talked to him and told him to stop selling at night because the noise upsets me, but that hasn’t helped.

I know who his upstairs roommates are, but I’ve never actually met them, so I don’t know how to go about talking to them about it.

And again, when I say he “sells meth” I don’t mean that sometimes he has a bit extra he wants to sell. He sells like a half ounce at a time (which if you don’t know, is a TON of meth)

I’m not sure how to go about this. A portion of my angst stems from the fact that I lent him 500 bucks, which he never paid back, so I’m feeling a little vengeful (and yes, I know it was a huge mistake to lend money to a drug addict/dealer), but also meth is bad and nobody should be selling it.

My two options are this: I can go to his house and talk to his roommates about it (but again, I’ve never met them) or I was also considering calling the DEA. What I mean here is what do I do? If I told him roommates, they might evict him which won’t make me cry, but that leaves him back to his former business, or they might buy it from him and already know he sells out of their house for all I know. I know I could call police dispatch, but I think they have better stuff to do, so my final option is to call the DEA office in Seattle (which is the closest one and services most of the pacific northwest).

Any suggestions? I’m laid back, and I am certain he isn’t cooking (which would really upset me) but who do I call? Like I said, I’ve talked to him about it, and that has yielded no results. Telling the roommates might be effective, but like I said, he owes me a ton of money (which I know I will never get back no matter what I do). I won’t lie, the main reason I am irritated is that I paid his deposit on his apartment (don’t worry, my name appears nowhere on the lease). If he was just selling and being annoying, I could cope, but the man owes me money and I want him to pay in some way or another.

Point is, who do I call? I don’t know if portland police has time to deal with this, but I don’t know if maybe the DEA has better stuff to do.

Part of my issue here is that I want him to suffer for jacking my 500 bucks, so I cannot claim to have totally honorable intentions. If a crack house were operating in my neighborhood, I would disapprove, but I would let them go about their business so long as they aren’t hurting anybody or damaging anything. However, Carlos owes me 500 hundred dollars for paying the deposit on his basement apartment.

Who do I call? Do I just call police dispatch, or do I call the Seattle DEA office? I’ve never had this problem, so I don’t know what to do.
Yes, I know this is serious and I have to do something, but what I am wondering is who I should call. The closest DEA office is in Seattle, but they probably have stuff to do. If I call police dispatch, I don’t know how helpful they can be, as they are busy too. What I want to know is who would be the best person/facility to call. I know I need to call, but whom do I call? Who will be most helpful?

Best answer:

Answer by ?? ???? ¢??? ?? ‘????????? ¢?????’ ??
yes call them this is serious.

mine? if you give a really good answer i will give you this is a promise the max points, 5 stars

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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