Posts Tagged ‘medical uses’
Crystal Meth: Crystal Meth Effects
The abuse of methamphetamine, also known as meth,chalk, ice, crystal, speed and crank on the streets, is a potent and highly addictive stimulant. Meth addiction and abuse is a very serious and growing problem in the U.S. at the present moment.
It is considered a Schedule II stimulant, which means it has an eminent potential for misuse and abuse. Currently Meth is available legally only through a valid prescription that cannot have any refills, for any reasons.
Pure Methamphetamine (Meth) is a white colored, scentless, strongly bitter-tasting crystallized powder that easily dissolves in water or alcohol and is consumed orally, by snorting the powder (intranasal), injection and finally by smoking it.
Methamphetamine’s legitimate medical uses are limited and the doses prescribed by a physician are much lower, than those normally abused by recreational users and addicts. Most of the methamphetamine (Meth) misused in this country comes from overseas or domestic professional Meth labs, although Meth is also routinely made in small, illegal garage labs, where its manufacturing endangers the makers, their neighbors, and the surrounding environment.
Cocaine Addiction and Methamphetamine Addiction: A Comparative Study
The two drugs, Cocaine, and Meth-amphetamine, both fall under the psycho-stimulant category. Both these drugs lead to dependence and abuse and cause similar addict behavior. As a result they are often mistaken for one another; however, they are two very different drugs. Cocaine and methamphetamine are separated by several distinct differences.
Methamphetamine is purely a man made drug while cocaine is harvested and purified from the coca plant. Both these drugs can be injected, smoked, or sniffed. However, Methamphetamine can also be taken as a pill; unlike Cocaine. Cocaine has medical uses as an anesthetic, while Methamphetamine has no medical uses of any kind.
The high or rush caused by methamphetamine lasts for about 8-24 hours, while 50% of the drug is flushed from the body within the first 12 hours. 50% of cocaine is generally removed from one’s body in just one hour and the high lasts no longer than one 30 minutes. Due to the way these drugs are metabolized, there is a big difference in the steps taken for meth treatment and cocaine treatment. Unfortunately, most drug addiction treatment centers fail to provide successful cocaine and meth addiction treatment.
Baldwin County Coroner’s Office Administrative Assistant Arrested on Drug Charges
Crystal Meth in the News
Crystal Meth: Baldwin County Coroner’s Office Administrative Assistant arrested on drug charges
ROBERTSDALE, Ala. — Donna Thompson Taylor, 59, of 1110 Williams St. in Bay Minette, was arrested on Thursday afternoon and charged with Theft of Property in the Second Degree, two counts of Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance and one count of Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and is being held on $ 16,000 bond at the Baldwin County Correctional Facility in Bay Minette.
After All the Knowledge of How Dangerous and Harmful It Is WHY Do People Still Try Crystal Meth?
Question by lonewolf_desperado: After all the knowledge of how dangerous and harmful it is WHY do people still try crystal meth?
Though still stupid you can somewhat forgive the 60’s generation for all drugs they did because the information they had was vague and limited but todays generation has no excuse. It’s a well known, publically advertised fact how harmful and dangerous crystal meth, crack, cocaine and other illegal narcotic drugs are. Still we have a problem.
Best answer:
Answer by c13reasons
In a word? Stupidity!
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