Crystal Meth Facts: House of Representatives No Longer Observes Monthly Moment of Silence for … – Daily Caller

Crystal Meth Facts: House of Representatives no longer observes monthly moment of silence for … – Daily Caller

House of Representatives no longer observes monthly moment of silence for
Daily Caller
Frustrated that the traditional practice no longer exists, a Republican congressman has introduced legislation that would require Speaker of the House John Boehner to personally lead a moment of silence for the country's fallen troops on the House

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Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

Crystal Meth Facts: Florida state rep. says high school world history textbook is a big Islam lovefest – Daily Caller

Florida state rep. says high school world history textbook is a big Islam lovefest
Daily Caller
A Florida school board is reviewing a state-approved world history textbook used in an Advanced Placement class over claims that the book covers Islam in loving, rah-rah detail while giving short shrift to Christianity and Judaism. The textbook

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Crystal Meth Facts – Google News

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