Crystal Meth Facts: Is Cannabis(marijuana) as Bad as Drugs Like Cocaine, Crack, Crystal Meth, or Heroin?

Question by Manoftheyear101: Is Cannabis(marijuana) as bad as drugs like cocaine, crack, crystal meth, or heroin?
I have a friend that is an olllld timer and all these new drugs that are out now days (cocaine, crystal, crack, heroin etc.) he thinks are as bad for you as marijuana, which was the worst drug available when he was born, 1945. I know the BIG differences, but he won’t take my word for it so I decided to see what all you have to say.

Is cannabis anywhere close to being as bad as any of the drugs that I mentioned above??

I gave him an example of how big of a difference there was between cannabis and those other drugs. My example was that the difference between cannabis and those other drugs were like the differences between being a little league baseball player and being a major league baseball player!! If you can come up with a better example feel free to share.

The reason this whole debate started was because he accused his daughter of using crystal meth, which I saw absolutely no evidence of her doing so. I work at a rehab clinic where I work with rehabilitating meth addicts so I have a good clue of what to look for. I have been around her for a long time and the only thing that I know she does for a fact is marijuana, even though her father somehow doesn’t know. Every time I talk to her I get a whiff of the distinct smell of cannabis, you have to be one dumb individual to confuse it with crystal!!

Well that’s basically it! Hope to hear what you guys have to say. Comparisons would be awesome. So would Signs to look for from somebody using anything besides cannabis! Best answer gets the points
One tiny millimeter ahead you say??? I have not once in my entire life heard of anyone, yes not even one person that over dosed on marijuana… I agree that yes, it does not let your body run it’s natural course, but I strongly disagree that drugs are all the same. My best friend’s mom passed away of a crystal meth overdose I highly doubt that she would have had the same outcome if she had been smoking cannabis….
I’d really rather hear from people that have dealt with these things in the past. Not just opinions.. Ex addicts would be awesome.

Best answer:

Answer by Skye;
My personal opinion is that marijuana is one step better than the rest. One very tiny, millimeter-ed step better. Mainly because it has traces of medical properties and is – as the old argument plays on relentlessly – natural and fro the earth.

But all in all, drugs are drugs and do not – I repeat – do not fit into your body’s natural course of events and disrupts them as any foreign substance does.

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