I Really Hate Fat People, Why Is This and Does Anyone Feel the Same?

Question by Veri Tas: I really hate fat people, why is this and does anyone feel the same?
I really hate fat people, far more than the average person does it seems.

It was highlighted to me while watching a show on TV with some friends which mentioned the fattest state in America, Mississippi: where 34.4% of people are obese. My friends and I realized that my dislike of these people is far greater than most people’s perception.

Any caring restaurant or fast-food establishment would turn these people away with advisement that they have clearly had enough to eat. Just as a bar-tender would refuse a drunk person another drink at a bar.

One of my friends told me it’s “not their fault” that they are so fat, and that obesity is a disease like any other. This particular friend has a hugely fat mother, which explains why he attempts to justify the existence of spherical human beings.

The truth is that being fat is self inflicted. It’s simple maths, you are eating more calories than you are burning off through exercise. Who else’s fault is it than their own? And please don’t start with the fast food chains and food manufacturers being the problem, they sell a product and don’t force people to buy it. (hence why everyone isn’t a fat chubber)

I’m in no way ashamed, for hating and being utterly repulsed by overweight people, as it is their own fault and they look and smell disgusting.
Also, in no way can hating fat people be compared to racism or homo-phobia, as you do not choose your race or sexuality. However, you do choose to eat too much and not exercise.

It turns out there is such a thing as fatism, which just makes my blood boil, there is a reason that youinstinctivelyy dislike a fat person and that’s because it’s clearly wrong to be in such disgusting condition, and alsoprovess several other points about the fat person in general such aslazinesss, greed, low will power, low self esteem, etc

What annoys me most is the way in which many “normal” people now react to these huge slobs, as if it’s now considered OK to be fat, and we should feel sorry for them and sympathize. Things like the “Fat acceptance movement” are trying to make people like mebelievee it is acceptable to be obese. It’s clearly wrong.
People don’t believe its ok for crystal meth addicts to smoke themselves into oblivion, but many seem to believe that eating yourself to death is acceptable.

The obese people should beinstitutionalizedd in my opinion, I have no idea how they afford to get so incredibly fat, eating 10000 calories a day can’t be cheap. They strain the economy with their health conditions associated with their fatness. Many starving African children in poverty could live a healthy life instead of these wasters.

What should be humanly done with theseover-sizedd mammals or do I just take pleasure in the fact that they will soon terminate due to an imminent heart attack?
Should a caring animal welfare association roll these fatties to a large primate sanctuary?
Isn’t there some sort of number I can call to have them taken away for gastric band surgery?
As a note:

I am healthy, I exercise and try my best to exercise and maintain a healthy diet. I focus on my life and health, as well as that of my families, which is why I cannot comprehend how obese people are enabled to get so fat in the first place.

Do the families and friends of these fatties not care about them? If my friend or family member started getting fat, not obese, but just overweight, I would try to assist them because they are clearly not well.

Which begs the further question as to why obese people get so incredibly huge, when the 50 stone man gets to 20 stone, surely by this point he knows there is an issue. Why is he allowed to continue with his reign of self destruction.

I’m also aware of the fact that there are “some” genuine diseases and disorders which account for fatness in a minority of overweight people. However I’m also aware of the fact that the majority of all these afflictions are completely treatable , in which case there is no excuse.

Best answer:

Answer by mamapowell2001
u should b ashame of yourself…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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