Breaking Bad Is Great TV, but With No Real Women, It Can Never Be ‘my’ Show – the Guardian

Crystal Meth History: Breaking Bad is great TV, but with no real women, it can never be ‘my’ show – The Guardian

The Guardian

Breaking Bad is great TV, but with no real women, it can never be 'my' show
The Guardian
It's easy to argue that Breaking Bad is about a masculine world because high-level crystal meth dealers are likely to be men, and that, therefore, its female characters could only be secondary. That doesn't hold up. To return to that TV trinity – with

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Crystal Meth History – Google News

Crystal Meth History: Early-Morning Drug Bust is Largest in Belle Plaine This Year – Belleplaineherald

Early-Morning Drug Bust is Largest in Belle Plaine This Year
Lenzen is charged in Scott County District Court with two counts of first-degree possession of a controlled substance – crystal methamphetamine – police believe he intended to sell, probably to customers between Nicollet and the Minneapolis area. Belle

Crystal Meth History – Google News

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