Inside the Ice Storm – the Australian (Blog)

Inside the ice storm – The Australian (blog)

Inside the ice storm
The Australian (blog)
Ralph, sitting cross-legged on a battered couch segment as he waits on word of a possible delivery of crystal meth, lifts his head from its customary hang and smiles, eyes glittering through an air of sadness and fatigue. A few people sit around in his

Crystal Meth Rehab – Google News

Heroin Use on the Rise in Nevada – KOLO

Heroin Use on the Rise in Nevada
In 2007, local television stations aired the 30 minute documentary, 'Crystal Darkness', to inform families about the dangers of the drug. Now at 24, she has been in and out of jail and rehab, battling an addiction that all started because of a

Crystal Meth Rehab – Google News

A safe, secret place to talk, to cry – New Jersey Jewish Standard

A safe, secret place to talk, to cry
New Jersey Jewish Standard
they were in rehab. Or they could say their children were taking a year off to find themselves — again, rehab. The smoke from crystal meth and crack cocaine pipes has found its way into our neighborhoods, our schools, and even our homes

Crystal Meth Rehab – Google News

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